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Reduce Heat Rate Fast and Economically

Empower your plant teams to lower heat rate by 0.5%-1% and save on fuel costs with GE Vernova’s APM Performance Intelligence software.

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Performance Intelligence

How to Master Heat Rate Management: Turn a guessing game into action


Traditional heat rate management methods are not cutting it anymore.

O&M Strategies using time-based maintenance tend to lack the real-time visibility needed to find and quickly catch performance degradation issues.


What makes GE’s Performance Intelligence software special? The ability to operationalize heat rate management, reducing time to fix performance issues.  

How it Works

How it works
  • Physics-based models are developed for all thermal assets, including gas turbines, steam turbines, HRSGs, boilers, condensers, cooling towers, and pumps.  


  • The models are tuned to equipment design data and validated with as-running data from the site.  


  • The software uses Key Performance Indicators, such as corrected output and heat rate, to compare actual performance versus expected performance and calculate component to fleet level degradation.


Seeking an economical and fast way to reduce heat rate and improve plant financials? See if Performance Intelligence is the right fit for you?

APM Performance Intelligence

What’s novel about APM Performance Intelligence?  

  • Ability to receive performance alerts with actionable recommendations 

  • Detects issues at given part loads 

  • Provides insights to improve starts &see economically optimized maintenance timing 




How much will you save using Performance Intelligence? 

Improved visibility means improved efficiency, faster.

Empower your power plant teams to quickly identify performance degradation issues and the optimal timing for addressing them based on plant financials. 

  • Physics-based digital twins for accurate output 
  • Real-time alerts to ensure catching performance pitfalls early  
  • Easy-to-use software that works for all operating modes  


Thermal Performance

Thermal Performance

Performance analytics for improved visibility to performance issues.

  • Physics-based digital twin customized to equipment designs 
  • Applicable for various plant operating modes 
  • Easy to use interface
Carbon Data

Carbon Data Monitoring & Advice 

Daily and cumulative production of CO2 actual plant emissions. 

  • Carbon Production KPIs calculated from actual plant fuel data 

  • Carbon reduction advice providing plant impact including capacity, fuel and carbon 

  • Carbon insights of COtonnage for reporting out cumulative year to date KPIs

Economic Tradeoff Advisors

Diagnostic Alerts and Economic Tradeoff Advisors

Real-time alerts with actionable recommendation to improve heat rate and output.  

  • Automated alerts of performance shortfalls 
  • Automated alerts for degradation trends 
  • Economic optimization advisor to improve water wash operations and inlet filter performance 
What-If and Performance Test Tools

What-If and Performance Test Tools

Understand impact of equipment derates on plant capacity and heat rate and automate your performance testing. 

  • Operating mode analytics provide performance results across the load range and operational conditions  
  • Prebuilt catalog of ASME Performance Test Codes 
  • Automated report generation 
Flexibility Performance Monitoring

Add-on Flexibility Performance Monitoring

Add-on feature for improved plant flexibility and operational performance. 

  • Provides critical insights for start fuel and start time
  • Compare multiple starts (e.g. fast, cold, warm, etc) and detect anomalies

Have Reliability Plus Powered by SmartSignal?

Good news. APM Performance Intelligence uses the same interface you are already familiar with. Once you have Performance Intelligence, you can simply log into your APM Alerts screen to find Performance Intelligence with Reliability Plus alerts.  


Don’t have Reliability Plus yet? Learn more how APM Performance Intelligence and Reliability work together to help you improve plant efficiency and avoid unplanned downtime. Learn more here:  


Our team is here to help. If you are seeking improved power plant efficiency, fuel cost savings and a reduction in emissions, meet with a GE Vernova solution expert to see if we have software for your technology.


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POWER Magazine

Reduce Plant Fuel Use, Emissions, and Operating Cost with Performance Models and Predictive Maintenance

Meet demand while controlling costs and advancing the goals of the energy transition. 


Implement an Economical and Fast Heat Rate Reduction Solution

Learn how software can help you reduce your plant heat rate by up to 0.1% in 12 months. 


From project kickoff to going lives takes about 6 months on average. Once your plant teams are using the software, it takes about 12 months to see up to a 1% reduction in heat rate.  

No, Performance Intelligence is agnostic and works on any brand of thermal equipment. 

Yes, you can access Performance Intelligence from your existing Asset Performance Management solution  

The answer depends on your equipment. Check out this ROI value calculator to see how much value you can potentially achieve using Performance Intelligence.  The value is realized from increased productivity, fuel and emission savings, and increased capacity. Contact a solution expert to see if Performance Intelligence is the right fit for your equipment.  

Performance Intelligence is best for companies that are seeking a way to modernize and operationalize heat rate management.  The Performance Engineer, Plant Manager, Asset Manager can see alerts (similar to SmartSignal) for performance degradation. The user will get a 360 degree view of the issue with recommendations. The software answers “do I have a problem? If yes, how much is it costing me and where is the issue?”

Performance Intelligence is available for both on premises or Cloud.