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Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS)

End-to-end DERMS to power the Energy Transition, rated #1 on capabilities by IDC MarketScape

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Software to manage renewable energy and DERs | GE Digital

Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) are growing in volume and complexity. How can utilities keep their grid safe and reliable? How can they drive customer engagement, while enabling the economic value of DERs?


Distribution utilities are challenged with DER backlogs, regulatory/market requirements, and operational risks due to DERs. Additionally, they also need to enable a cleaner grid and provide a pathway to net zero for their customers.


Accommodate the rise of Distributed Energy Resources with a modular, flexible Distributed Energy Management System solution

Distributed Energy Resources Management System

Opus One Distributed Energy Resources Management System software provides intelligence, operations, economics, and markets in one modular solution that enables grid operators to connect, see, control, and optimize DERs from a technical and an economic standpoint, while helping utilities provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy to their customers.


GE Digital and Opus One Solutions have come together to help utilities on their DER journey with a modular DERMS platform, that can grow with their needs use case by use case, feeder by feeder, and substation by substation. Our solution enables utilities to keep the grid secure and resilient, enable Non-Wires Alternatives (NWA), access flex and transactive markets, and enable an intelligent energy network.


Determine the hosting capacity of your grid. Perform scenario analysis to determine the impact of DERs on your grid. Automate your connection acceptance workflow.


Get an aggregated or a disaggregated view of connected DERs. Monitor DERs to increase your situation awareness. Anticipate violations for more DER control levers to allow more time to solve. Run grid-level DER analysis, based on a true digital twin of your grid (including as-operated topology).


Manage within the limits of DER programs and schedules agreed to by customers. Ensure targeted control of DERs at a wide and a granular level. Track measurement, verification, and settlements for DER dispatches and control.


Calculate the amount that every DER should be dispatched to remain within dynamic operating envelopes, not just in real-time, but also in look-ahead. Avoid violations on the network. Simulate the impact of DER growth on your grid.


Achieve techno-economic optimization. Enable non-wires alternatives and access to DSO, flex, and transactive markets. Ensure that flexibility trades being agreed to at market level do not violate grid reliability or QoS.

Recognized leader by industry analysts and customers

Guidehouse Insights Leaderboard: Grid DERMS
Analyst report

Guidehouse Insights Leaderboard: Grid DERMS

GE Vernova proudly announces its position as the #1 provider in the Guidehouse Insights 2024 Leaderboard for Grid DERMS vendors.

Best Practices DERMS Rollouts
Analyst report

Best Practices DERMS Rollouts

Check out this sponsored Gartner report to learn best practices when rolling out a new DERMS solution.

Solar-panels | GE Digital software for renewables and DER orchestration

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Partnering to meet the challenges of the energy transition

Turn Distributed Energy Resources from operational risks into opportunities

DER Energy Software

Optimize DERs from a technical and an economic standpoint

Opus One Distributed Energy Resources Management System enables utilities to ensure grid reliability and comply with regulations, while enabling energy affordability and customer participation in grid modernization.



As DER penetration increases, economic considerations arise.  It's not enough for look-ahead optimization to only account for factors such as grid reliability/QoS or contractual constraints around DER operations. It also needs to factor in DER dispatch compensation costs.


Our model-based, 3-phase AC unbalanced, security constrained optimization engine can:


  • Optimize technical and economic outcomes for analytics, operations, and market use cases.
  • Manage DER operations and contracts, grid devices, CapEx/OpEx , and even carbon emissions.
Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS)

Go beyond basic DER dispatch and control

  • Forecast, anticipate and resolve system violations, while optimizing DERs and grid performance, across multiple time frames, from minutes to weeks ahead and beyond.


  • Anticipate violations for more flexible DER control options to avoid last-minute DER dispatches which may be unavailable due to advance notice constraints or may be too expensive.

Access DSO, flex, and transactive markets

  • Facilitate open, fair, and neutral markets to trade the flexibility and economic value of DERs.


  • Manage bids and offers, while keeping the grid safe and optimized.


  • Clear markets and perform settlements between participants.
Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS)

Enable Non-Wires Alternatives (NWA)

  • Use DER flexibility during the worst-case time periods, instead of investing into more CAPEX, including lines, transformers, and breakers.


  • Prepare and compare detailed technical and economic evaluations of non-wires alternative (NWA) solutions.
Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS)

Aggregator of aggregators for utilities

  • Gain visibility and control across fleets of DER aggregators, via a single pane of glass.


  • Anticipate and solve violations with access to granular views (when solving a violation on a single distribution feeder) and aggregated views (when solving a violation on a large primary substation perimeter) of your data.
Utilities light up the night sky | GE Digital

Modular platform that can easily integrate with your current ADMS or be standalone

  • Select the modules you need depending on where you are in your DER journey, or how DER-aware your ADMS is.


  • Integrate with your existing ADMS or keep it separate based upon your use case requirements, notably in regulatory regimes requiring separate DNO and DSO operations.
DERMS standard based architecture with flexible deployment options

Standard based architecture with flexible deployment options

  • Ingest a CIM based network model easily from your ADMS.


  • Use DERMS as the gatekeeper of your grid by forecasting loads and generation through the GRIB2 standard.


  • Control DER assets with standard IEEE 2030.5 or OpenADR or a variety of proprietary protocols.


  • Get a choice of cloud vs on-prem deployment

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