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Achieve Higher Operational Efficiency in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Overcoming the Challenge of Full Production Integration

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13 Results
Revenue growth and more satisfied customers at Bifodan | GE Digital customer story
Proficy Smart Factory - MES Solutions

Revenue Growth and More Satisfied Customers at Bifodan

Read how ROB-EX Scheduler software helped Bifodan increase their delivery compliance from 82% to 98%.

Smart Factory MES software for pharmaceutical manufacturing | GE Digital
Proficy Smart Factory - MES Solutions

Pfizer Cuts Downtime by Moving to Predictive Maintenance

Read how Pfizer uses software to collect data from their manufacturing sites, building controls, and utilities for predictive maintenance, improving…

Explore GE Digital's Industrial Apps

GE Digital's MES software for manufacturers helps optimize operationsGE Digital's MES software for manufacturers helps optimize operations
Industrial Software

Proficy Smart Factory - MES Solutions

Reach manufacturing excellence through Industrial IoT insights and intelligence.

Industrial Apps

Proficy Plant Applications

Improve efficiency, production management and quality with a proven, modular MES for process, discrete and mixed manufacturing data.

Proficy Historian | Data Historian | GE Digital
Industrial Software

Proficy Historian

Powerful industrial time-series data collection for on-premise and cloud-based storage and analysis