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Digital Twin

Major North American and EU Power Producer Gains Additional Power Capacity to Meet Market Demands

2 weeks

Found leaks and thermal performance issues

2 MM/Year

Increased capacity available to trading team



Major North American and European Power Producer

This company is using Digital Twin technology to achieve business results. A Digital Twin is a software representation of a physical thing, system or process designed to detect, prevent, and optimize.  Digital Twins allow us to predict, prevent and optimize activities by applying software to the challenges of the physical world. Learn more about GE Digital's Digital Twin.



With approximately 7.1 GW of clean energy facilities in North America and Europe, the company was challenged by misalignment between the traders and the plant managers causing missed market opportunities. They lacked a clear view of the capacity and output of their wind and solar farms as well as the thermal performance of their natural gas power facilities. Additionally, they were concerned about potential leaks impacting heat rates.



They partnered with GE to build a digital twin and thermal model of their natural gas powered plants as well as designing a forecasting model that would enable traders to bid more capacity into the market.



Operation Optimization informed engineering and operations team on potential leaks and recommended repairs within two weeks of implementation and identified sensors that were wired incorrectly and mislabeled, delivering inaccurate information. After repairs were completed, the plant was able to deliver an additional $30K/day or ~ $2 million in additional capacity. Traders now have visibility into true plant capacity and can more accurately bid into the market and increase profitability.


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