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Counties Energy Partners with GE Digital for its Digital Utility Transformation


Preparing for a low carbon future


Better energy outcomes for customers and the environment



Counties Energy


Electric Utilities


Distribution Optimization, Geospatial Solutions

Product Categories

Advanced Distribution Management Systems (ADMS), Smallworld GIS - Geospatial Asset Management


Counties Energy is an electricity distribution network provider that runs from coast to coast across the southern Auckland and northern Waikato regions of New Zealand.



Servicing one of the fastest-growing areas of New Zealand, Counties Energy is 100% consumer-owned and focused on transforming its network for the low carbon future.


We are committed to creating intergenerational value for our customers by enabling a reliable electricity network and diverse energy choices and offerings.

Moonis Vegdani - Group General Manager Technology and Digital, Counties Energy


Counties Energy will implement GE Digital’s Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) as part of its Digital Utility transformation program. The ADMS solution in combination with the utility’s existing implementation of GE Digital’s Smallworld Electric Office, a network-based Geographic Information System (GIS), will drive greater reliability, resiliency and flexibility for its network assets through richer multi-source data. The combination of the two platforms will enable smarter, sustainable, and innovative energy services and solutions that deliver better customer experiences, operational efficiencies, and the ability to manage growth intelligently, ultimately shaping a future-proofed energy platform.


This single platform will enable end users to safely interact with the network, control work, and share information in real-time. In addition, by integrating ADMS and Electric Office, Counties Energy will be able to provide operators with an accurate connected single view of the end-to-end network of assets with a fully digital as-built process flowing from the field to Smallworld Electric Office and on to the ADMS.


Using advanced analytics, the company will be able to simulate weather impacts and improve storm preparedness and outage response or understand how the network will behave under different load and future Distribution Energy Resources (DER) growth scenarios.


“Driven by the ambition to deliver an exemplary customer experience, the use of today’s digital capabilities will enhance the efficiency of our day-to-day operations and our long-term investments," states Mr. Vegdani.


We aim to build new digital technologies to transform our existing service delivery, keeping the organisation ahead of the digital curve and delivering good service to our community.

Moonis Vegdani - Group General Manager Technology and Digital, Counties Energy

“Counties Energy is well underway on this important journey with its extensive low voltage visibility through the smart meter network. This ADMS transformation programme with GE Digital as a partner is a key foundational step towards the next phase of our journey.”


Read the press release New Zealand’s Counties Energy Partners with GE Digital for its Digital Utility Transformation

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