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Orchestrating DERs at Scale Across the Electric Grid and Its Prosumers

DER Orchestration 2.0

Helping utilities manage and coordinate more renewable imports onto the grid.  Read the press release.



Rising to the DER Challenge

Rising to the DER Challenge | GE Digital whitepaper

Orchestrating Across the Electric Grid & Its Prosumers

With their current rate of growth, DERs can no longer be managed in a silo. Electric utilities need DER-awareness and orchestration across their full IT/OT network.


Download this white paper to examine the complex challenges DERs represent for transmission and distribution before outlining the need for a coordinated solution to represent and manage them across the modern power grid.

How DER Orchestration from GE Digital works | ADMS

Transform your grid into an end-to-end flexible system

See how to manage all renewables and DERs across your grid in an integrated solution using DER Orchestration from GE Digital. Deploy in the cloud or using Edge and take control of DER planning and operations.

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