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See How to Optimize PLC & SCADA Control Loop Performance in Minutes

Industrial engineers using GE Digital software in manufacturing

What are the costs of unhealthy PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) loops in your organization? 

Unhealthy PID loops cause Process Variation – which leads to:

  • Equipment breaks
  • Downtime
  • Lower quality, throughput and OEE

Engineers: take a few minutes and fix those unhealthy PID loops.  You can easily monitor and optimize your process control with analytics software such as Proficy CSense. 

Let us show you how!

Improve asset and process performance with a Process Digital Twin

Proficy CSense helps engineers analyze, monitor, predict, simulate, and optimize setpoints in real time.

Proficy CSense

Industrial advanced analytics to predict future asset and process performance


Proficy CSense from GEDigital uses AI and machine learning to enable process engineers to combine data across industrial data sources and rapidly identify problems, discover root causes, predict future performance, and automate actions to continuously improve quality, utilization, productivity, and delivery of operations.

What to see Proficy CSense in action?