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Production is Evolving…Do you Have the Insights to Keep Up?

Production is evolving

GE Digital Receives Highest Score for Continuous Process Manufacturing Use Case

Gartner MES Critical Capabilities Graphic | GE Digital ranking

Gartner Critical Capabilities for MES Report

GE Digital has scored in the top four across these Critical Capabilities: Process Quality Management, Data Management/Data Collection, Production Equipment Integration, and Enterprise Integration Architecture in the 2021 Gartner Critical Capabilities for Manufacturing Execution Systems report.  


This report details how Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) are foundational to smart factories and digital manufacturing and places us among the four highest vendors across all use cases; second in Batch / Repetitive Flow Manufacturing and Highly Regulated Industries use cases.


Align your manufacturing requirements with the critical capabilities you need in your business.

Production is Evolving | GE Digital Whitepaper

How are you meeting your production challenges?

Today’s manufacturers have to meet production targets while keeping costs and risk under control. At the same time, customers are putting them under pressure to quickly change lines, shift resources to new products, and find the capacity to produce what the market wants, when it wants it—all without compromising quality. 


Learn how embracing a new data-driven approach can help build an adaptable ecosystem that uses information to adjust materials, equipment, people and processes as necessary.  Competing operational priorities will be balanced and production efficiency boosted.

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Reach manufacturing excellence through Industrial IoT insights and intelligence.

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Industrial analytics software that optimizes asset and process performance.