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Picture of Janice Abel

Janice Abel

Principal Consultant, ARC Advisory Group

Janice is a principal consultant in ARC's regulated industry group.  In this capacity, Janice performs research and provides management consulting services for ARC's clients in the manufacturing execution systems (MES), manufacturing intelligence, data platforms/historians, manufacturing visualization (including AR/VR and digital twin). Prior to ARC, Janice's experience included over 25 years in enterprise automation, regulatory requirements and MES.  Janice has a Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and an MBA.


Janice brings over 25 years of professional experience in industrial technology.  This includes consulting with clients on collaborative production management, manufacturing execution systems (MES), advanced analytics and controls, simulation, augmented/virtual reality, enterprise manufacturing Intelligence (EMI), operational excellence and technology supplier selection.  Her experience includes automation and application of bioreactors and other processes, as well extensive knowledge in regulatory compliance.  A longtime member of ISPE (International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers), she has served as chairperson for several ISPE committees, as well as president of the ISPE Boston Chapter.  Ms. Abel is a frequent presenter and leader at conferences and has authored numerous articles

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