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Asset Management CROSS Webinar

Asset Management CROSS Webinar


Telecoms face mounting pressure to automate network and service operations for improved efficiencies and reduced OPEX. However, inventory is often fragmented and hidden across multiple OSS, spreadsheets, and data silos, resulting in an inconsistent understanding of the network.

This webinar seeks to explore the strategies and tools telecoms can implement to consolidate and integrate assets across layers into a single source of truth that accurately models the network. In doing so, operational and business workflows can be harmonized for boosted efficiencies, improved data quality, and accelerated service deployments.


Join us on Tuesday, July 26th at 3:00 PM GMT/10:00 AM EST to learn from Harinder Bakhshi, Director of Solution Architecture at CROSS Network Intelligence, and Salvador Peya, Senior Staff Solution Architect at GE Digital, how to:


  • Convert fragmented inventory and network data into an integrated, intelligent data goldmine
  • Illuminate hidden data and improve data quality for boosted operational efficiencies
  • Bridge OSS and BSS to support end-to-end workflows for network and service operations

Event Details

DATE AND TIME Jul 26, 2022 Starts at 10:00 AM - Ends at 12:00 AM 3:00 PM GMT/10:00 AM EST

Event speakers:

Salvador Peya

Salvador Peya

Senior Solution Architect

GE Digital

Harinder Bakhshi

Harinder Bakhshi

Director of Solution Architecture

CROSS Network Intelligence