DlgCaption (statement)

Syntax DlgCaption text
Description Changes the caption of the current dialog to text.

                           'This example displays a dialog box, adjusting the caption
                           'to contain the text of the currently selected option
                           Function DlgProc(c As String,a As Integer,v As Integer)
                           If a = 1 Then
DlgCaption choose(DlgValue("OptionGroup1") + 1, _
                           ElseIf a = 2 Then
DlgCaption choose(DlgValue("OptionGroup1") + 1, _
                           End If
                           End Function
                           Sub Main()
                             Begin Dialog UserDialog ,,149,45,"Untitled",.DlgProc
                               OKButton 96,8,40,14
                               OptionGroup .OptionGroup1
                               OptionButton 12,12,56,8,"Blue",.OptionButton1
                               OptionButton 12,28,56,8,"Green",.OptionButton2
                             End Dialog
                             Dim d As UserDialog
                             Dialog d
                           End Sub
See Also Begin Dialog (statement)