This example sets and retrieves a cell in an Excel spreadsheet. The command strings being created contain Microsoft Excel macro commands and may be concatenated and sent as one string to speed things up.
Sub Main()
Dim cmd,q,ch%
Q = Chr(34) ' Define quotation marks.
Id = Shell("c:\excel5\excel.exe",3) 'Start Excel.
ch% = DDEInitiate("Excel","Sheet1")
On Error Resume Next
cmd = "[ACTIVATE(" & q &"SHEET1" & q & ")]" 'Activate worksheet.
DDEExecute ch%,cmd
DDEPoke ch%,"R1C1","$1000.00" 'Send value to cell.
'Retrieve value and display.
MsgBox "The value of Row 1, Cell 1 is: " & DDERequest(ch%,"R1C1")
DDETerminate ch%
Msgbox "Finished..."
End Sub