Date, Date$ (functions)

Syntax Date[$] [()]
Description Returns the current system date.
Comments The Date$ function returns the date using the short date format. The Date function returns the date as a Date variant. Use the Date/Date$ statements to set the system date. The date is returned using the current short date format (defined by the operating system).

The Date$ function does not properly support international formats. Use the Date function instead.

Example This example saves the current date to TheDate$, then changes the date and displays the result. It then changes the date back to the saved date and displays the restored date.
' When run with non-US Regional or International settings,
' the two message boxes may display different dates.
' One set of International Date Formats which shows this is:
'    Short Date Format: dd.M.yy (ex: 02.01.97 for 2 January 1997)
'    Long Date Format: ddddd, dd M, yyyy (Thursday, 02 January 1997)
Sub Main()
   ' Save the current date
   TheDate$ = Date
' Set the date to one that may confuse the library functions
   ' (month and day < 12)
   Date = "01/02/97"                      ' 1 Feb 1997
   MsgBox(Format$ (Date$, "dddddd"))    ' This may show 2 Jan
   MsgBox(Format$ (Date, "dddddd"))    ' This may show 1 Feb
   ' Restore the date
   Date = TheDate$
End Sub
See Also CDate, CVDate (functions); Time, Time$ (functions); Date, Date$ (statements); Now (function); Format, Format$ (functions); DateSerial (function); DateValue (function).