DDESend (statement)

Syntax DDESend application$, topic$, DataItem, value
Description Initiates a DDE conversation with the server as specified by application$ and topic$ and sends that server a new value for the specified item.
Comments The DDESend statement takes the following parameters:
Parameter Description
application$ String containing the name of the application (the server) with which a DDE conversation will be established.
topic$ String containing the name of the topic for the conversation. The possible values for this parameter are described in the documentation for the server application.
DataItem Data item to be set. This parameter can be any expression convertible to a String. The format depends on the server.
value New value for the data item. This parameter can be any expression convertible to a String. The format depends on the server. A runtime error is generated if value is Null.
The DDESend statement performs the equivalent of the following statements:
 ch% = DDEInitiate(application$,topic$)
 DDEPoke ch%,item,data
 DDETerminate ch%
Example This example sets the content of the first cell in an Excel spreadsheet.
Sub Main()
  Dim cmd,ch%
  id = Shell("c:\excel5\excel.exe",3) 'Start Excel.
  On Error Goto ExcelError
  DDESend "Excel","Sheet1","R1C1","Payroll For August 1995"
  Msgbox "Finished   "
  Exit Sub
  MsgBox "Error sending data to Excel."
  Exit Sub 'Reset error handler.
End Sub
See Also DDEExecute (statement); DDEInitiate (function); DDEPoke (statement); DDERequest, DDERequest$ (functions); DDETerminate (statement); DDETerminateAll (statement); DDETimeout (statement).