
Access a Lubricant


  1. Access the RD Overview page.
  2. Select the Lubricants tab.

    The Lubricants section appears.

  3. Optionally, select
  4. In the Lubricant column, select the Lubricant that you want to access.

    The datasheet for the selected Lubricant appears on a new page.

Create Lubrication Components, Methods, Manufacturers, and Lubricants

About this task

Values from Lubrication Component, Lubrication Method, Lubricant, and, indirectly, Lubricant Manufacturer records are used to populate lists that appear on the Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template datasheets.

Therefore, before you create a Lubrication Requirement or Lubrication Requirement Template record, you must create one or more records in each of these families to identify the various lubrication information used by your company.

Tip: You can also create a Lubricant record from the Lubricants section of the RD Overview page.


  1. On the top navigation bar, select .

    A menu appears.

  2. In the menu, in the search bar, enter one of the following family names:
    • Lubrication Component
    • Lubrication Method
    • Lubricant Manufacturer
    • Lubricant
  3. Select the family in the list of search results.

    A blank datasheet appears.

  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields for the family:
    Note: If needed, select the site to which you want to assign the record, or designate the record as a Global record.
    Tip: For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.
  5. Select .

    A new record is created.

  6. Repeat these steps until you have created records for each lubrication component, method, manufacturer, and lubricant used by your company.

What to do next

Create a Lubrication Management Recommendation Record


  1. On the top navigation bar, select .
  2. In the menu, in the search bar, enter Lubrication Management Recommendation, and then select the record from the list.

    The datasheet for the Lubrication Management Recommendation record appears.

  3. As required, enter values In the available fields to create the Lubrication Management Recommendation record.
  4. Select .

    A new Lubrication Management Recommendation record is created.