
Overview of the AMS Analytics Module

You can use the AMS Analytics module to view and analyze data that exists in an external AMS Analytics data source, which may include any of the following:

  • AMS Suite: Intelligent Device Manager
  • AMS Suite: Machinery Health Manager
  • AMS Suite: Equipment Performance Monitor
  • AMS Suite: Equipment Performance Advisor

Using AMS Analytics, you can transfer data from AMS Analytics data sources into the GE Digital APM database. When the data is transferred, records in the AMS Analytics data model are created automatically and populated with values from the data source.

All of the AMS Analytics data sources listed above are components of the AMS Suite and store information that is reported about AMS Assets, such as alerts and events, to provide an indication of their overall health. AMS Assets typically represent smart sensors that report events related to either the health of the asset (e.g. equipment or functional location) that the sensor is monitoring or the health of the sensor itself. By incorporating this information into your GE Digital APM implementation, you can use the tools in AMS Analytics to assess the overall health of sensors and the related assets in your facility.

You can use AMS Analytics to:

  • View the data using queries, graphs, and reports.
  • Determine the overall health of the assets and sensors in your facility.
  • Identify problematic assets and sensors.
  • Create AMS Asset Recommendation records.
  • Generate work requests or notifications in an EAM system.

Access the AMS Analytics Overview Page


In the module navigation menu, select Health > AMS Analytics.
The AMS Analytics Overview page appears, displaying the following sections:
  • AMS Assets: Contains a table of AMS Assets.
  • Active Alerts: Contains a table of AMS Asset Alerts that are marked as active.
  • Events: Contains a table of AMS Asset Events.
  • Recommendations: Contains a table of open AMS Asset Recommendations (that is, Recommendations whose state is not closed, superseded, or rejected).
  • Reports: Contains a table of reports that are located in the Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\AMS Asset Portal\Summary Reports.
  • Alert Trend: Contains the number of active AMS Asset Alerts for each of the last 11 months and the current month.
  • Events by Type: Contains the number of AMS Asset Events for each event type.
  • Active Alerts by Asset Criticality: Contains the number of active AMS Asset Alerts for each range of criticalities.
  • Active Alerts by Duration: Contains the amount of time that the AMS Asset Alerts have been active.
  • Active Alerts by Severity: Contains the number of active AMS Asset Alerts for each severity.
  • Assets by Criticality: Contains the number of AMS Assets for each range of criticalities.
  • Assets by Type: Contains the number of AMS Assets for each event type.
  • Assets by Health: Contains the number of AMS Assets for each range of health index values (that is, the values in the Health Index field in the AMS Asset records).

You can select to filter the information displayed in the AMS Analytics Overview page based on a specific asset (for example, Equipment or Functional Location). When you filter by an asset, each section in the page, except the Reports section, displays the information for the selected asset and the assets under it in the hierarchy.
Note: The Home asset includes information for all the AMS Assets that exist in GE Digital APM (that is, the AMS Assets that are linked to an asset that is not in the Asset Hierarchy or the AMS Assets that are not linked to an asset).

Create an AMS Recommendation Based on an Alert or Event


  1. Access the AMS Analytics Overview page.
  2. Select the Active Alerts or the Events tab.

    The corresponding section appears.

  3. Select the row for the alert or event for which you want to create a recommendation.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the section, select .

    The Record Manager page appears, displaying a new AMS Asset Recommendation record with some fields populated automatically.

  5. As necessary, provide additional details to complete the recommendation.
  6. Select .

    The recommendation is saved.


An AMS Asset Recommendation record is added to the GE Digital APM database and linked to the AMS Asset record with which the alert or event was associated.

View Detailed Reports for AMS Asset, Alert, or Event


  1. Access the AMS Analytics Overview page.
  2. Select one of the following tabs: 
    • Active Alerts
    • Events
    • AMS Assets

    The corresponding section appears.

  3. Select the row for the AMS Asset, AMS Asset Alert, or AMS Asset Event for which you want to view a detailed report.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the section, select .

    The corresponding report is displayed in the <Report Name> page, where <Report Name> is the name of the corresponding report in the Detailed Reports folder in the Catalog.

About the Color-Coding Used in AMS Analytics

Health Index

The following table shows the color associated with each health index range for an AMS Asset and what it indicates about the health of the piece of equipment or location.

Health Index Range


Health of Equipment or Functional Location

0 - 19













The following table shows the colors associated with each criticality range for an AMS Asset and the level of criticality that it represents.

Criticality Range


Criticality Level


Light Blue










Very High





The following table shows the possible severity levels for AMS Assets and AMS Alerts and the color that represents each level.

Severity Level









Communication Failure



Default / Not defined


View an Alert Trend for an AMS Asset


  1. Access the AMS Analytics Overview page.
  2. Select the AMS Assets tab.

    The AMS Assets list appears.

  3. Select the check box in the row for the AMS Asset whose trend you want to view.
  4. At the top of the grid, select , and then select the type of graph you want to view (i.e., Alerts by Description or Alerts by Severity).

    The Enter Parameter Values window appears.

  5. Select parameter values, and then select Done.
  6. On the Enter Parameter Values window, select the following values:
    • Date
    • assetContext
    • Period
    • Description

    The Graph Result workspace opens, displaying selected graph.

    Important: If you are viewing the Asset Alert Trend by Description graph, you must specify the Graph Dimensions before the graph will appear.

    Tip: You can use the standard Graph features to view additional details or modify graph settings.