Catalog Items

PLA Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\PLA contains the following items.

Item NameItem TypeBehavior and Usage
PLA DashboardDashboardDisplays the PLA Overview page.

Displays the count of Production Events filtered by the Event Code percentage for a given time period.

This graph is displayed on the PLA Overview page (Event Summary graph).

PlannedProductionvsLossesGraphPlots the planned production, actual production, and losses for given time period.

Displays the total cost of losses that were contributed by the top 10 bad actors within a selected hierarchy level for a given time period. The losses represented in the graph are the total amount of production lost for the affected plans, products, and units.

This graph is displayed on the PLA Overview page (Top 10 Bad Actors graph).

Queries Folder

The folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\PLA\Queries contains the following queries:

Query NameBehavior and Usage
EventListReturns Production Events whose date range includes the date in the Period field of a given Production Data record.

This query is used to display values in the Production Event list when creating or modifying a loss.

EventList for the given unitReturns Production Events for a specific Production Unit.
GetOEECodeByImpactcodeReturns results in the Map OEE Codes subsection for an Impact Code.
GetOEECodeByImpactKeyReturns OEE Codes that are mapped to an Impact Code.

This query is used to display values in the Select OEE Code window for the selected Impact Code when creating or modifying a loss.

GetProductionLossesForPlanReturns results in the Production Losses workspace.
GetProductionLossesForProfileReturns results in the Existing Losses window in the Production Data workspace.
ImpactCodeList Returns all Impact Codes.

This query is used to display values in the Impact Code list when creating or modifying a loss.

OEECodeListReturns all OEE Codes.

This query is used to display values in the Codes workspace in the PLA Administrator page.

PLAEventSummaryReturns results in the EVENT SUMMARY section in the PLA Overview page.
PlannedProductionvsLossesReturns results in the PLANNED PRODUCTION VS LOSSES section in the PLA Overview page.
PlanTemplateQueryReturns the column configuration in the Plan Templates section in PLA Application Settings.
PLAPlanBasisReturns Plan Basis in the Production Plan Builder window.
PLAPlanStatusReturns statuses of Production Plans in the Production Plans section in the PLA Overview page.
Production Data Grid QueryReturns the Production Data records in the Production Data workspace.
ProductionEventWithoutRCAAnalysisReturns results in the Production Events workspace before you associate a Production Event with an RCA.
ProductionEventWithRCAAnalysisReturns results in the Production Events workspace after you associate a Production Event with an RCA.
Production Summary Grid QueryReturns results in the Production Summary workspace.
Production Summary Grid Query CostReturns results in the Cost column in the Production Summary workspace.
ProductionLossGridQueryReturns Production Losses in the Production Data workspace.
TileListOfProductionEventReturns results in the Production Events section in the PLA Overview page for a user who does not have access to the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) module.
TileListOfProductionEventWithRCAReturns results in the Production Events section in the PLA Overview page for a user who has access to the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) module.
TileListOfProductionPlanReturns results in the Production Plans section in the PLA Overview page.
Top10BadActorsReturns results in the TOP 10 BAD ACTORS graph in the PLA Overview page.

This query calculates results using the following formula:

(Loss Amount x Margin applied to the loss) + Other Event Costs + Work History costs for the asset associated with the Production Event