Manage Scenarios

About Scenarios

ASO Scenarios share one analysis-level diagram, while System Reliability scenarios have their own.

Add a New ASO Scenario

Before you begin

These instructions also apply to accessing Asset Strategy Optimization in Unit and System Strategies.


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select .
    A message indicating that a new scenario has been created appears, and, in the left pane, a tab labeled New Scenario appears.

  3. Select to edit the scenario information, which also includes changing the name of the scenario. When finished with the scenario, select to save.
    Note: If you would like the new scenario to become the Proposed scenario, select the Set As Proposed button in the upper-right corner of the workspace.

Copy a Scenario


  1. Access ASO.
  2. In the Analysis Summary pane, select the Scenario that you would like to copy.
    The scenario is highlighted.

  3. Select .
    A message appears, confirming that the scenario has been copied. The copy of the scenario appears in the Analysis Summary pane.

Filter Scenario in Scenario Grid View

About this task

Note: This procedure only works with copied Scenarios, not Active or Proposed scenarios.


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select a scenario, and then, in the workspace, select the Grid View tab.
    The Grid View section appears.

  3. In the upper-left corner, use the drop-down menu to select the value that you want to filter. the following options are available:
    • Action
    • Distribution
    • Risk

      The appropriate values appear in the grid.

Modify a Scenario in Grid View


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select a scenario, and then, in the workspace, select the Definition tab.
    The Definition section appears.
  3. Select .
    In the section, boxes appear.

  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  5. Select .
    The Definition has been modified.

Modify a Definition in a Scenario


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select a scenario, and then, in the workspace, select the Definition tab.
    The Definition section appears
  3. Select .
    In the section, boxes appear.
  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  5. Select .
    The Definition has been modified.

Delete a Scenario

Before you begin

This instructions also apply to accessing Asset Strategy Optimization in Unit and System Strategies.


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select the scenario that you would like to delete.

  3. Select , and then select .
    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the strategy.