Asset Strategy Templates

About Asset Strategy Templates

An Asset Strategy Template represents an Asset Strategy that you plan to reuse by applying it to additional Asset Strategies. The process of creating an Asset Strategy Template from scratch is almost identical to the process of creating an Asset Strategy. Additionally, you can create an Asset Strategy Template using an existing Asset Strategy.

When working with Asset Strategy Templates, you can add Action records and Risk records and manage Risk Assessments.

Apply a Template as a Master to an Asset Strategy

About this task

When you apply a template as a master to an asset strategy, all of the associated records for that template are applied to the strategy, and moving forward, the strategy is controlled by the template. Any changes then made to the template's risks or actions will also be reflected in the strategies it controls.

Applying a template to a strategy can be done from an Asset Strategy record or from a Strategy Template record.


  • Apply a Template to a Strategy from the Asset Strategy Record
    1. Access the ASM Overview page.
    2. Select the Asset Strategies tab.
      The Asset Strategies section appears, displaying a list of available asset strategies.
    3. Select the strategy to which a template is to be applied as master.
      The Strategy Details workspace for the selected asset strategy appears.

    4. In the upper-right corner, select .
      The Apply Template window appears.
      Note: Only templates in the Active state appear in the list.

    5. Select the Template ID of the template that you want to use and then select Next.
      The Application Method tab is displayed.

    6. Select Apply the Template as a Master option and then select Next.
      Tip: If you would like to apply your template as a copy instead, you can follow these steps.
    7. The Apply Template window displays a message indicating that the template will be applied as a master.
    8. Select Finish.
      Note: Templates can control strategies from multiple sites belonging to same risk matrix as a master, but if the user does not have permission on all sites, then strategy approval operations will be unavailable.
  • Apply a Template to a Strategy from the Asset Strategy Record
    1. Access the ASM Overview page.
    2. Select the Templates tab.
      The Templates section displays the list of templates.
    3. Select the template that you want to apply to a strategy.
      In a new tab, the Strategy Details Strategy Template workspace for the selected template appears, displaying the Template Overview section.

    4. Select .
      The Apply Template window appears, displaying the Application Method tab.

    5. Select Apply the Template as a Master option and then select Next.
      The Apply Template window displays the Search tab, and the Enter Parameter Values window appears.

    6. Using the Select Asset Family drop-down list, select the family of the asset to which you want to apply a template, and then select Done.
      The Search tab displays a list of assets in the family that you selected.

    7. Select the asset(s) to which you want to apply the template, and then select Next.
      The Apply Template window displays a message indicating that the template will be applied as a master to the asset(s) that you selected.

    8. Select Finish
      Note: If you apply a template to an asset that has no strategy, applying the template will create an asset strategy for that asset.

Apply a Template to an Asset Strategy as a Copy

About this task

When you apply a template to a strategy as a copy, a copy of the template, with its related records, is applied to the strategy. You can choose to copy both actions and risks, or just risks, to the strategy. Additionally, you can decide whether you want to discard or keep certain items related to the strategy.

Applying a template to a strategy can be done from an Asset Strategy record or from a Strategy Template record.


  • Apply a Template as a Copy from the Strategy Record
    1. Access the ASM Overview page.
    2. Select the Asset Strategies tab.
      The Asset Strategies section appears, displaying a list of available asset strategies.
    3. Select the strategy in which you want to apply a template as a copy.
      The Strategy Details workspace for the selected asset strategy appears.

    4. In the upper-right corner, select
      The Apply Template window appears.

    5. Select the template that you want to use, and then select Next.
      The Application Method tab appears. The Apply the Template as a Copy option is preselected.

      Tip: If you would like to apply your template as a master instead, you can follow these steps.
    6. Select which portions of the template to apply by selecting the appropriate option:
      • Apply both actions and risks
      • Apply risks only
    7. Select how existing items should be used in existing asset strategies by selecting the appropriate option:
      • Mark existing items for deletion
      • Append the template items to the existing items
    8. Select Next.
      The Apply Template window displays a message indicating that the template will be applied as a master.

    9. Select Finish
      Note: A template can be applied as a copy to strategies from any site as long as the risk matrix matches.
  • Apply a Template as a Copy from the Template Record
    1. Access the ASM Overview page.
    2. Select the Templates tab.
      The Templates section displays the list of templates.
    3. Select the template that you want to apply to a strategy.
      In a new tab, the Strategy Details Strategy Template workspace for the selected template appears, displaying the Template Overview section.

    4. Select .
      The Apply Template window appears, displaying the Application Method tab. The Apply the Template as a Copy option is selected by default.

    5. Select which of the following portions of the template you want to apply:
      • Apply both actions and risks
      • Apply risks only
    6. Select one of the following option for how you want existing items to be used in existing asset strategies:
      • Mark existing items for deletion
      • Append the template items to the existing items
    7. Select Next.
      The Apply Template window displays the Search tab, and the Enter Parameter Values window appears.

    8. Using the Select Asset Family drop-down list, select the family of the asset to which you want to apply a template, and then select Done.
      The Search tab displays a list of assets in the family that you selected.

    9. Select the asset(s) to which you want to apply the template, and then select Next.
      The Apply Template window displays a message indicating that the template will be applied as a master to the asset(s) that you selected.

    10. Select Finish.
      Note: If you apply a template to an asset that has no strategy, applying the template will create an asset strategy for that asset.

Access the Controlled Strategy View for Asset Strategy Templates

About this task

When you apply a template as a master to an asset strategy, all of the associated records for that template are applied to the strategy, and moving forward, the strategy is controlled by the template. Any changes then made to the template's risks or actions will also be reflected in the strategies it controls.


  1. Access the ASM Overview page.
  2. Select the Templates tab.
    The Templates section appears, displaying a list of available templates.

  3. Select the template from which you want to access the Controlled Strategies view.
    The Strategy Details Strategy Template workspace appears.

  4. Select the Controlled Strategies tab in the Strategy Details Strategy Template pane.
    The associated strategies appear. In this workspace, you can then add existing strategies or remove strategies.

What to do next

Add an Existing Strategy to a Template

Before you begin

This topic assumes that there are pre-existing asset strategies that you want to add to your template.


  1. Access the ASM Overview page.
  2. Select the Templates tab.
    The Templates section opens.
  3. Select the template where you want to add an existing strategy.
    In a new tab, the Strategy Details Strategy Template workspace for the selected analysis appears, displaying the Template Overview section.

  4. Select the Controlled Strategies tab.
    The Controlled Strategies workspace appears.

  5. To add an existing strategy, select .
    The Enter Parameter Values window for the selected asset type appears.

  6. Select the appropriate type from the Asset Type drop-down menu, and then select Done.
    The Select Asset Strategies to Add to Master Template window appears.

  7. Select the asset strategies that you want to apply to the master template by selecting the check box in the row of the strategies that you want to include, and then select OK.
    A progress bar appears, letting you know the status of the template application. When finished, the Controlled Strategies workspace reappears, displaying a message notifying you that your strategies have been added to the template.

Create a Strategy Template


  1. Access the ASM Overview page.
  2. Select the Templates tab.
    The Templates tab opens displaying a list of available templates.
  3. Select .
    The Strategy Details Strategy Template datasheet for the selected analysis appears.

  4. As needed, enter data in the available fields.
    Note: Template ID is a required field.
  5. When finished, select .
    Your template is saved in the Draft state.

Copy a Template in ASM


  • Copy a Template in ASM in the Template Section
    1. Access the ASM Overview page.
    2. Select the Templates tab.
      The Templates section opens, displaying all available templates.

    3. Select a template row.
      Note: Do not select the link under the template name.
    4. Select .
      In a new tab, a template opens with the copied template in the Draft state.

    5. Select the Template Identification tab to make your changes, when finished, select .
  • Copy a Template in ASM in the Template
    1. In the template that you want to copy, select .
      A new window will open with the template that you want to copy.
    2. Modify the template, if necessary.
      When done, select .