Searching Tags

About this task

The Search Tags command lets you scan the tags on a specified server and then to perform actions on one or more tags you select from that group. When you select the Search Tags command in the Historian menu, the Historian Tag Search window appears.

See also Searching a Tag Using Advance Search Criteria.


  1. Select Search Tags from the Historian menu.
    The Historian Tag Search window appears
  2. In the Server field, select a server from the drop-down list. If you do not specify a server, the Add-In searches the default server.
    To add or connect to a new server select the Browse button. To set the selected server as default, ensure the Set Server to Default option is enabled.
  3. Enter the Tag Mask or type “*”.

    To use the Advance Tag Search option, select the Search button without specifying the Tag Mask.

  4. Select the Search button.
    The Historian Tag Search window is populated with a tag list.
  5. Select Tags from the Search List:
    • Select a specific tagname to select it in the populated Historian Search Tags window. To select multiple individual tags, press the Control key and select the tagnames. To select a sequence of tags, press the Shift key and select the first and last tagname of the sequence.
    • When you have selected the tags you want, select the right arrow (>) button in the center of the page. This moves the selected tags to the right hand window. The selected tags are the tags for which the query obtains and displays data. If you select the double right (>>) arrow instead of the single right arrow, you select and move all tags to the right hand window.
    • If you change your mind about a tag, you can deselect it by selecting on the tagname to highlight it and then selecting the left arrow (<) button. This moves the tag back to the left hand window, removing it from the list of selected tags. Similarly, you can deselect all tags, by selecting the double left (<<) arrow.
  6. Use the Search Display section to choose whether you want to display tagnames or tag description. It also displays the number of tags returned.
  7. Use the Output With to choose whether the output presentation shows the names of the selected tags or the cell computation formulas.
    Using Output with Formula places a dynamic formula in the worksheet, versus just a copy of the tag names currently selected. Having a dynamic formula allows the list of tags returned to be dynamic based on the “tag mask” criteria supplied. This is particularly useful when selecting a cell reference for the tag mask as opposed to typing in a tag mask directly in the window.

    When you use the Advance Tag Search window to search tags, you cannot choose Output with Formula.

  8. Use the Output Range field to determine where in the worksheet the output data displays.
    Select in the Output Range field and select a range of cells in a single row or column in the worksheet. In most cases, you should choose Columns for a typical report. Selecting the Rows option rotates the report presentation 90 degrees.
  9. Use the Output Display section to select the type of data to be displayed.
    Select a name to choose a single parameter for display. To select multiple individual parameters, press the Control key and select the parameters. To select a sequence of parameters, press the Shift key and select the first and last parameter of the sequence.
  10. When you have selected all desired options, select OK to apply your choices and initiate the query. Select Cancel to close the window.