Exporting Enumerated Sets

About this task

The Export Enumerated Sets function enables you to display information about enumerated sets in an Excel worksheet. Using this function, you can export sets data from Historian, add and edit the enumerated sets’ information, and import it back into Historian.

This feature allows you to make changes in bulk and send them to Historian in a simple procedure without using the Histroian Administrator. Before importing or exporting enumerated sets, you should be aware of a convention used with the Historian application. The Server is the reference point for all import and export functions. If you want to move tag information from the Historian Server into your worksheet, you must use the Export Enumerated Sets command.

Conversely, if you want to move data from your worksheet to the server, you must use the Import Enumerated Sets command. If you plan to import set information, it is recommended that you first export a set, to become familiar with the format.


  1. Select Administration and then select Export Enumerated Sets from the Historian menu.
    The Historian Export Tags window appears.
  2. Select a server from the drop-down list. If you do not select a server, the Add-In uses the default server.
  3. In the Filter Criteria section, in the EnumeratedSet Mask/EnumeratedSet Name field, search for the sets set you want to export.
    You can use one of the following options that are available:
    • Either enter a * or do not enter any criteria. All the sets appear.
    • Enter a set name or name mask or description and a description mask (*) criteria. All the sets matching the criteria appear.
  4. In the Export Options section, select either the To New Worksheet, To CSV File, or To XML option.
    If you select either the CSV or XML option, you must also enter a path and file name for the destination file.
  5. Select OK to execute the Export Enumerated Set function. Select Cancel to cancel and close the window.
    When the export function finishes, a window appears within a display of the worksheet containing the exported sets and the message, Export Succeeded.
  6. Select OK to acknowledge the operation and close the window.