Object Form
CimEdit provides you with several tools to adjust an object's form.
The tools include several ways to change its:
- Size.
- Shape.
- Display angle.
There are many places in CimEdit where you are asked to enter location, size, or units as a number and a unit of measure. In addition to points, you can use any of the following for a unit of measure in CimEdit:
" | Inches |
in | Inches |
mm | Millimeters |
cm | Centimeters |
twips | 1/20th of a point |
If you enter any of these other units of measure, the measurement will be automatically converted to points by CimEdit.
For example, if you enter horizontal and vertical grid units of .5" in the Options dialog box for Tools, when you apply the change, the values will be displayed as 36 pts.