Model Template Description

The model template provides sections to help you build the Web HMI Runtime model structure.

Model Concepts

Review this illustration before creating your Runtime model.

Concept Terminology Differences

The model template and Model Editor user interface use different concept terminology, as shown in the following table.
Model TemplateModel Editor
Asset typeObject type
Asset Object
PropertyData variable


You must build an asset hierarchy to specify the hierarchical relationships of assets in Web HMI. Operators navigate through this hierarchy to select the equipment context for a given layout at Runtime.

Note: Since only one root node is allowed in this hierarchy, do not define more than one asset to a root parent.
HierarchyFlagsHeaderHeader column with the keyword HierarchyFlags.
HierarchyFlagsSpecifies whether to update or overwrite the asset hierarchy when importing the model file in to Web HMI.
  • True creates a new hierarchy based on the exact content of the imported model file.
  • False updates any existing imported hierarchical relationships.
  • True replaces existing child assets with child assets in the model template file.
  • False adds child assets from the model template file to the existing child assets.

Asset Types

Asset types define the structure of the equipment pieces within your model. For each asset type, such as a StorageTank, you set up all the property names, such as TankLevel, that any asset instance associated with this type can reuse in its own definition.

In Web HMI, you bind mimics to asset types for use by their asset instances.

AssetTypeHeaderHeader column with the keyword AssetType.
Asset Type NameName of the asset type.
DescriptionDescription of the asset type.
Property Groups of the Asset TypeCollection of properties associated with the asset type. Assets assigned to this asset type inherit these properties. An asset type can contain more than one property group.

Property Groups

Property groups assemble a set of properties for a piece of equipment. This enables you to create a common set of properties to reuse across multiple asset types.

PropertyGroupHeaderHeader column with the keyword PropertyGroup.
Property Group NameName of the property group.
DescriptionDescription of the property group.


Assets are the instances of equipment, such as StorageTank1, in the model. When you assign an asset to an asset type, it inherits all the properties created for that asset type.

You must arrange assets in to hierarchical relationships in the Hierarchy section to appear in the Runtime context selection. Each asset has a parent in the hierarchy.

AssetHeaderHeader column with the keyword Asset.
Asset NameName of the asset instance.
DescriptionDescription of the asset instance.
Asset Type Name Name of its associated asset type.
Parent Asset NameName of the parent asset. One asset in the list must have a parent asset set to \ (root).
Parent Property NameTies this asset instance to an asset property definition in the Parent Asset Name type definition. For example, the TPumpStation type contains the InletTank and OutletTank as properties of type Asset. When you create instances of the TPumpStation (for example, PumpStation01, PumpStation02), you must also create instances for InletTank (for example, InletTank01, InletTank02) and OutletTank (for example, OutletTank01, OutletTank02) and point them to the InletTank and OutletTank Properties of the TPumpstation type using this Parent Property Name column, as shown in the following example.

Property Definitions

Property definitions describe the actual pieces of data that come from a HMI/SCADA system or another data source. Among other things, it defines how to use a property in Web HMI views. For example, you can define a property to appear as a trend line on Trend Card views or as a Control Point on Mimic Card views that an operator can modify. Properties comprise a property group.

Property Description
PropertyDefinitionHeaderHeader column with the keyword PropertyDefinition.
Property Group NameProperty group name in which to associate this property.
Property NameName of the property.
Property TypeProperty type: Boolean, number, string, or asset.

Property definitions of an asset type can be contained types or child asset references. You must define the child asset type in the AssetType column.


When the property type is asset, use this property definition. To assign an asset to a property, you must define this asset type. It allows you to nest child assets in the asset type.


Property displays as a trend line on Trend Card views.

ControlGroupIdUnique ID of the control group, allowing you to group properties that can be modified. Any properties with a control group ID are grouped together in an auto-generated Control Card. If the control group has an associated Control Point, an operator can change its value on the Control View at runtime.
ControlPointSetpoint for the current HMI/SCADA property value. Both the current property and its control point must be in the same control group.

A property can be controlled by itself or by another property in the asset type. To read and write to the same property, specify it as its own control point. A property without a control point is read-only.

HmiDataTypeData type from the underlying SCADA system. This is not required for this release.

Server Details

A server alias offers an indirect route between the model's data sources and the model itself, making it easier to transfer model data sources between servers. By using an alias to reference your data source (such as an iFIX node and OPC UA server) and associating it with your tag sources, you can change the node for a set of tag sources by changing the server name.

ServerDetailsHeaderHeader column with the keyword ServerDetails.
Server AliasName of the server alias.
Server NameName of the server for the data source.
Server TypeType of server from which data originates.

Tag Sources

A tag source defines where to retrieve asset property data, including real-time and historical data sources.

Property Description
TagSourceHeaderHeader column with the keyword TagSource.
Parent Asset NameName of the parent asset with a property with the tag source.
Property NameName of the property associated with the tag source.
Realtime Server AliasName of the real-time server alias to use with this tag source.
Realtime Data Source NameHMI/SCADA data source tag ID that feeds data to this model property.
Historical Server Alias(Optional) Name of the server alias to retrieve historical data for Trend Card views and the last known current value for Mimic Card views.
Historical Data Source Name(Optional) Name of the historical tag ID to retrieve historical data for Trend Card views and the last known current value for Mimic Card views.

NameSpace Table

This table pertains to CIMPLICITY only. Populate this table using the project server and namespace information that was exported to a CSV file using the Export to Web HMI function on the CIMPLICITY Project menu.

Here is a sample NameSpace table:
