Change the Log Levels of UAA


  1. Access the file in the following folder: C:\Program Files\GE\Operations Hub\uaa-tomcat\webapps\uaa\WEB-INF\classes
  2. For each module, select one of the following log levels depending on your requirement:
    • TRACE
    • DEBUG
    • INFO
    • WARN
    • ERROR
    • FATAL
    • OFF
  3. If you want to disable Tomcat logging:
    1. Stop the GE Operations Hub UAA Tomcat Wen Server service.
    2. In the C:\Program Files\GE\Operations Hub\uaa-tomcat\bin folder, rename the tomcat8w.exe file UaaTomcat.exe, and run this application as an administrator.
    3. Select Logging.
    4. Remove the auto keyword from the Redirect Stdout and Redirect Stderr labels.
    5. Start the GE Operations Hub UAA Tomcat Web Server service.
  4. If you want to change the Tomcat log level:
    1. Stop the GE Operations Hub UAA Tomcat Web Server serivce.
    2. Access the context.xml file located in the C:\Program Files\GE\Operations Hub\uaa-tomcat\conf.
    3. In the Context tag, add: swallowOutput="true"
    4. Access the file in the same folder, and set the to one of the following values, which are in the order of less verbose to more verbose:
      • SEVERE
      • WARNING
      • INFO
      • CONFIG
      • FINE
      • FINER
      • FINEST
      • ALL
    5. Start the GE Operations Hub UAA Tomcat Web Server service.