Option 4.3. Create or Edit an RCO Profile Using a Text Editor

About this task

You can create an RCO Profile using the text editor of your choice, or in the Runtime User Interface. In your profile, you can choose to add sites from one project or from multiple projects.

In order to connect to multiple projects, they must be enabled for broadcast over the network.


  1. Open a text editor, for example Notepad.
  2. Enter lines for the SYSTEM section, as follows
    SYSTEM Section   Enter
    Line 1 [SYSTEM] Where SYSTEM is the heading enclosed in brackets. This section specifies the configuration of the profile.
    Line 2 (Optional) AUTOMATICREFRESH=Yes or No Where
    Yes Enables the RCO UI to automatically refresh the decision list. (Default)
    No Disables the feature and force manual updates.
    Line 3 (Optional) REFRESHRATE= n Where n =Value in seconds to automatically refresh the decision list. Minimum value = 7 (Default)
    Line 4 NUMSITES=n Where n =The number of sites you plan to add to this profile.
    Tip: If you do not know the number of sites, leave the value blank for now and fill in later.
    Line 5 (Optional) DEFAULTSITE==\\PROJECT1\SITE1= Where \\PROJECT1\SITE1= is the fully qualified project name and site name of the control site that you want to automatically default to when you access the RCO UI using this profile. When this profile is accessed, the RCO UI will open directly to the control site designated in this field.
  3. Press Enter twice to leave a blank line between the sections.
  4. Enter lines for the SITES section as follows.
    SITES Section   Enter
    Line 1 [SITE] Where SITE is the heading enclosed in brackets. This section specifies the project or projects and their corresponding sites.
    Line 2 \\PROJECTNAME\SITENAME=\\PROJECT1\SITE1= Where \\PROJECT1 is the fully qualified project name SITE1 is the site name = (Optional) Enter a description after the = Note: The site names correspond to the names that display in the Tracker window left pane.
    Lines 3 - n Repeat entering all of the sites that should be included in the profile.
  5. Update the NUMSITES field with the accurate site count.
    CAUTION: If the value of the NUMSITES field is less than the actual number of sites listed, the Search dialog box will only display the number of sites indicated in the field. When updating the profile using the text editor, be sure to update the NUMSITES field with the accurate site count.
  6. Select File>Save to open the Save as dialog box.
  7. Select the directory where the profile is to be stored.
  8. In the File Name field, enter the name of the profile and .rui as the extension.

    The file must be an .rui file.

  9. Click Save to save your profile.