2.3. Configure UAA Connection

You can configure UAA connection with Operations Hub UAA to allow Operations Hub users to log in to CimView. Perform the following steps only on a Single/Relay Server. You do not need to perform these steps on a dependent server.


  1. Enter the URL of Operation Hub UAA in the Operations Hub UAA/OAuth2 Setup textbox.
  2. Optional: If you have a proxy server, select Use proxy check box and enter the proxy server URL.
  3. Select Test. A success message appears if the URL entered is valid.
  4. Select View Certificate to view the certificates. Read the details of the certificate to know whether you can trust the certificate.
  5. If you trust the certificate, select Trust Certificate.
  6. Select Generate UAA Client. UAA Administrator Credentials window appears.
  7. Enter the UAA admin client secret that was entered during Operations Hub installation. The Client ID used for Operations Hub default UAA installation is ???admin???.
  8. Select Generate UAA Client