CIMPLICITY HMI Webspace Plug-in Ports

The following table includes services and their respective ports. For CIMPLICITY HMI Webspace Plug-in to function as expected, the firewall must be opened for some of the ports.

Service Default Port Number Firewall must be opened? Configuration Files
NGINX 9443 Yes
http {
 server {
 listen 9443 ssl default_server;
%BSM_ROOT%\webspace-session-manager\ webspace-session-manager.json:
"client-configuration" : 
 { "relay-server-reverse-proxy-port" : "9443", 
Webspace Application Publishing Service 491 Yes

Open Webspace Admin Console, select Tools >Host Options > Security:

SCADA Web Configuration, REST 4955 No
http { 
server {
location /cim-config/v1 { 
proxy_pass https://localhost:4955/cim-config/v1; 
"port" : ???4955???, 
OPC UA browse service, REST 4956 No
http {
server {
location /uabr/v1 {
proxy_pass https://localhost:4956/uabr/v1;
"port" : ???4956???,
Webspace session Manager, REST 4957 No
http {
server {
location /wsm/v1 {
proxy_pass https://localhost:4957/wsm/v1;
%BSM_ROOT%\webspace-session-manager\ webspace-session-manager.json:
"port" : ???4957???,

This is also available from CIMPLICITY Options:

Webspace Session Manager, CimView socket 4958 Yes(*)
%BSM_ROOT%\webspace-session-manager\ webspace-session-manager.json:
"client-configuration" : 
 "wsm-client-socket-port" : "4958",
Note: %BSM_ROOT% is the CIMPLICITY installation directory.

(*) The firewall must be opened on the Webspace relay server only if you are using a Webspace dependent server.