4. RecipeConfig Window: Menu Items

The menu bar offers several options for creating and maintaining data items in your Recipes directory, along with maintaining the spreadsheet structure in the right pane.

  • File
  • Edit
  • View
  • Tools
  • Tree
  • Grid
  • Help

File menu

The File menu has the following options:

Option Description
New Based on the item selected in the directory, creates a new folder or data item.
Open Opens the Open dialog box to open an existing Group.
Save Saves the item selected in the directory.
Save As Opens the Save As dialog box to name and save the Group.
Save All Saves all folders and data items in the directory.
Rename Enables a selected tree item to be edited.
Archive Converts the Group
Export Exports data in the Group to a CSV file.
Import Imports a new Group.
Recent Files Shows the files most recently opened and allows you to select them directly.
Exit Quits the Recipe Configuration interface.

Edit menu

The Edit menu has the following options:

Option Description
Cut Removes the contents of the selected cell and place them on the Clipboard.
Copy Copies the contents of the selected cell and places them on the Clipboard.
Paste Place the contents on the Clipboard into the selected cell.
Delete Deletes the selected data item in the directory, or the selected cell contents.
Properties Launches the Properties dialog box for the selected item.

View menu

The View menu has the following options:

Option Description
Toolbar Displays the toolbar. A check mark indicates active option.
Status Bar Displays the status bar. A check mark indicates active option.
Split Resizes the left and right panes of the interface.

Tools menu

The Tools menu has the following options:

Option Description
Upload Uploads the selected Recipe or Map.
Download Downloads the selected Recipe or Map.
Create Auto Action Generates a Recipe Parameter file, which supplies the information required to automatically upload or download a Recipe.
Validate Validates the entries in the selected column and report errors.
Compare Compares the selected Recipe to other recipes and displays the results in the grid.
Dynamic Config Toggles dynamic configuration update function.
New Point Launches the New Point dialog box to create a new point.
Point Browse Launches the Select a Point dialog box to enable browsing for points.

Tree menu

The Tree menu has the following options:

Option Description
Expand One Level Opens the selected folder.
Expand One Branch Opens the selected folder and any subfolders.
Expand All Opens all the folder and subfolders in the directory.
Collapse Branch Closes the selected folder.
Indicate Expandable Branches Displays the symbols for expanding folders. A check mark indicates active option.
View Displays the selected data item in the grid.
View All Displays all data items from the selected folder in the grid.
Copy Copies the selected Recipe or Map.
Create Subfolder Creates a Recipe or Map subfolder.

Grid menu

The Grid menu has the following options:

Option Description
Select Column Highlights the selected column.
Select Row Highlights the selected row.
Freeze Selection Disables scrolling for the selected column(s) or row(s).
Unfreeze Rows Re-enables scrolling of the frozen row(s).
Unfreeze Columns Re-enables scrolling of the frozen column(s).
Hide Column Removes the selected column from the grid. Column is only hidden, not deleted.
Hide All Columns Removes all columns from the grid. Columns are only hidden, not deleted.
Hide All Attribute Columns Removes all Attribute columns only from the grid. Columns are only hidden, not deleted.
Hide All Recipe Columns Removes all Recipe columns only from the grid. Columns are only hidden, not deleted.
Hide All Map Columns Removes all Map columns only from the grid. Columns are only hidden, not deleted.
Insert Parameters Adds a row(s) to the grid.
Delete Parameters Removes a row(s) from the grid.

Help menu

The Help menu has the following options:

Option Description
Contents Launches the Help contents file.
About Recipe Config. Displays the current version number for Recipes.