Send Approvals for Re-verification

This topic describes how to request for re-verifying already approved workflow levels.

Before you begin

You can request approval re-verification only for levels that are one level above you in a workflow. For example, if you are a workflow Level 3 approver, you can request re-verification for Level 2, but not Level 1.


  1. Log in to the Plant Applications Web Client.
  2. In the Approval Cockpit page, on the Approver Execution tab, access the workflow assigned to you and select , then select Review.
    The Approver Level Questions screen appears with a list of quality variables associated to the workflow.
  3. Select Request Re-Verification based on your review.
    If answers to the questions are not meeting the quality requirements, you can ask for re-verifying the approvals granted at one level above you.
    The Select Approver Groups for Re-Verification screen appears with a list of approver groups assigned to the level you want to re-verify.
  4. Select the groups you want to assign to re-verify the approved level.
  5. Select Save.
    The status of the level you requested for re-verification is changed from approved to pending. This level must go through the approval process all over again.