Create a Mirror Location

Before you begin

Add one or more distributed servers to the system in which you want to create a mirror group.

About this task

If you want high availability of one or more data stores, you must create a mirror group (also called a mirror location), and then add servers to it. When you do so, the data in the data stores of the mirror locations is replicated. Therefore, even if one of the servers is down, you can retrieve data from the other servers in the mirror location, thus achieving high availability.

The following conditions apply when you create a mirror location:
  • You must add minimum two servers to a mirror location. The maximum number of servers that you can add depends on your Historian license.
  • You can add a mirror location only in a horizontally scalable Historian system.
  • You can rename a mirror location, remove a machine from a mirror location, or add an additional one even after you create the mirror location. However, if only one machine remains in the group, you cannot remove it.


  1. Access the system in which you want to add a mirror location.
  2. In the main section, in the Locations subsection, under MIRROR LOCATIONS, select .
    The Add Mirror Location window appears.
  3. Provide values as described in the following table.
    Field Description
    MIRROR LOCATION NAME Enter a name for the mirror location. The name must be unique for a system.
    SERVER MACHINES Select the servers that you want to add to the mirror group. This box contains a list of all the servers in the system. You can add minimum two servers to a mirror location.
  4. Select Add.
    The mirror location is created.

What to do next

Add a data store to the mirror location.