CimEvent.GetOleParmName (function)

Obsolete Replaced by a GefEventContext
Syntax CimEvent.GetOleParmName( parmIndex%)
Description Returns a String representing the name of a parameter from an ActiveX control event. This is only valid if the event type is CIM_ET_OLE_EVENT.
Comments The parmIndex% parameter is an Integer specifying the index of the parameter as it was passed from the ActiveX control event. For example, if the control fires the event MouseDown(xPos As Integer, yPos As Integer) then xPos can be retrieved using a parmIndex% with the value 0, and yPos with the value 1.

                Ev As CimEvent
                Dim Var As Variant
                Set Ev = CimGetEvent()
                If Ev.Type = CIM_ET_OLE_EVENT Then
                ????Count% = Ev.OleParmsCount
                ????i% = 0
                ????xPosIndex% = -1
                ????While i% < Count% And xPosIndex = -1
                ????????If Ev.GetOleParmName(i%) = "xPos" Then
                ????????????XposIndex% = Index%
                ????????End If.
                ????????i% = i% + 1
                End If