Marquee Manager Gateway for CIMPLICITY Other Tools

Marquee Manager Gateway for CIMPLICITY usage tools include the following.

The Marquee Manager Gateway for CIMPLICITY user interface is conveniently displayed in a tree view. The Server, when expanded, displays a Resources folder that enables the user to select from resources that have been configured in the CIMPLICITY project.

It includes an Alarms folder and a Classes folder that enable the user to add various alarms and classes of alarms that once triggered, will route alarms to a marquee or a speaker that have been configured in Marquee Manager Administrator.

There are many features that make using Marquee Manager Gateway for CIMPLICITY easier and more effective that include:
  • Marquee Manager Gateway Other Tools: Toolbar and Tree
  • Marquee Manager Gateway Other Tools: Options
  • Marquee Manager Gateway Other Tools: Log Files