
This subroutine accesses the point data type, the engineering units label, and a pointer to the conversion expression.


int PTMAP_get_eu_info (point_id, expr_ptr, eu_label,
                       eu_type, retstat)
char            *point_id;
char            **expr_ptr;
char            *eu_label;
PTM_DATA_TYPE   *eu_type;
COR_STATUS      *retstat;

Input Arguments

point_id Point identifier.

Output Arguments

expr_ptr Pointer to a translated expression in a database. (Space neither has to be allocated or deallocated.)
eu_label The configured engineering units label.
eu_type Data type of input value.
Retstat Pointer to status structure. The following errors may be returned (see Appendix A for an explanation of this code):

Return Value

The contents of retstat.status .