
This subroutine adds a request to a shopping list to receive a point value each time the point value changes. The current value of the point is returned by Point Management, and then sent whenever the point value changes. The point value is collected on each change in its value until the request is canceled or requests are suspended.


PTMAP_add_onchange ( sl_adr, point_adr, req_adr,
                    retstat )
PTMAP_ADDR  *sl_adr;
PTMAP_ADDR  *point_adr;
PTMAP_ADDR  *req_adr;
COR_STATUS  *retstat;

Input Arguments

sl_addr Pointer to Shopping List created by a call to PTMAP_add_sl .
point_adr A point ID created by a call to PTMAP_add_point .

Output Arguments

req_adr Identifier used to reference this request.
Retstat Pointer to status structure. The following errors may be returned (see Appendix A for an explanation of this code):

Return Value

The contents of retstat.status .