
This subroutine adds a request to a shopping list for a point value at regular time intervals. The current value of the point will be returned by Point Management and then will be sent to the requesting process at regular time intervals. The length of the time interval is specified in the call to the function. The point values are sent until the request is canceled, or requests are suspended. If timed point requests are outstanding when requests are resumed, point values are sent immediately after resuming requests, and the delay intervals are timed from that time.


PTMAP_add_timedpt ( sl_adr, point_adr, interval,
                    units, req_adr, retstat )
PTMAP_ADDR  *sl_adr;
PTMAP_ADDR  *point_adr;
COR_I4      interval;
COR_I4      units;
PTMAP_ADDR  *req_adr;
COR_STATUS  *retstat;

Input Arguments

sl_adr A Shopping List ID created by a call to PTMAP_add_sl .
point_adr A Point ID created by a call to PTMAP_add_point .
Interval Integer specifying the length of time which Point Management is to wait between sending point values.
Units Integer which specified the time units to which interval refers. It must be one of the following: PTM_HOURS, PTM_MINUTES, or PTM_SECONDS.

Output Arguments

req_adr Identifier used to reference this request.
Retstat Pointer to status structure. The following errors may be returned (see Appendix A for an explanation of this code):

Return Value

The contents of retstat.status .