
This subroutine gets the responses that have been returned by Point Management. This function should be called following one of the PTMAP_wait functions. PTMAP_get_all must be called once to access each response.

PTMAP_get_all will return with a success status if it has any response to be returned to the application. Otherwise, it returns a failure status.


int PTMAP_get_all (req_adr, sl_adr, point_adr,
                   rsp_type, rsp_stat, rsp_ptr,
PTMAP_ADDR  *req_adr;
PTMAP_ADDR  *sl_adr;
PTMAP_ADDR  *point_adr;
int         *rsp_type;
COR_STATUS  *rsp_stat;
PTM_RSP     **rsp_ptr;
COR_STATUS  *retstat;

Input Arguments


Output Arguments

req_adr Pointer to the request for which the response was generated..
sl_adr Pointer to the Shopping List.
point_adr A pointer to the point for the request
rsp_type The type of response (such as, PTM_ONCHANGE or PTM_SNAPSHOT).
rsp_stat Status of the response: COR_SUCCESS, COR_WARNING, or COR_FAILURE.
rsp_ptr Pointer to a response structure.
Retstat Pointer to status structure. The following warnings may be returned (see Appendix A for an explanation of this code):

Return Value

The contents of retstat.status .