Storage Units

A storage unit resource represents an inventory of a specific material, a group of materials, or a specific type of storage.

The physical location of a storage unit can be dynamic, such as when a specific material inventory is en route to a new location. A storage unit is a terminating resource; that is, the last resource in a hierarchy, and is generally applied when detailed inventory organization is needed.

The following information describes the hierarchy of this resource:

Required: no; optional
Contained by: Storage zones; Storage units
Can Contain: one or more Storage units; Equipment modules

Details Tab

You can change the name and description of this resource.
Attribute Value Description
Name Required; user-defined up to 50 characters Specifies a display name for a resource.
Description User-defined up to 255 characters Provides more information about a resource that a user may find helpful.

Properties Tab

For more information see Equipment Properties.

Classes Tab

For more information, see Equipment Classes.