Map AD Groups with ThingWorx Groups

Use the Group Mappings section in the DirectoryServices page to associate Active Directory groups with ThingWorx groups. Permissions are set by the ThingWorx groups and are used at Web HMI runtime.

When a user is auto-provisioned to an AD group, that user is automatically added to its mapped ThingWorx group.
You must have created and configured the ThingWorx groups to use for AD authentication.
  1. Select Add.
  2. In the Active Directory Group Name box, select the AD group, such as WebHMIAdmins, that you want to map with a ThingWorx group.
    Note: If a red circle with a line through it appears when selecting an AD group (not connected to AD domain), select Save, and then try closing and reopening the DirectoryServices page. You should now be connected.
  3. In the ThingWorx Group Name box, select to choose the ThingWorx group, such as Web HMIAdmin, to map with the specified AD group.