Configure Relay Server

To set up a secure connection between CimView and the Webspace Session Manager, you must install CIMPLICITY server on Webspace relay server to enable authentication.


  1. Open a project in CIMPLICITY Workbench as needed.
  2. In the top-level folders, click and expand Computer.
  3. Double-click Configuration Hub.
    The CIMPLICITY Proficy Authentication login page opens.
  4. Log in using ch_admin as username and your Proficy Authentication secret as password.

    Once you log in to Configuration Hub and expand the CIMPLICITY plug-in node. You will see Webspace plug-in under the CIMPLICITY plug-in node.

  5. Click the Webspace plug-in.
  6. Click Relay.
  7. In the Session Manager Credentials section enter the following:
    Note: These are not the existing credentials. You must create new credentials.
    1. USERNAME: Enter a user name.
    2. SET PASSWORD: Enter a password for the administrator.
    3. CONFIRM PASSWORD: Confirm the password entered above.
  8. Click SAVE.