
Chart Editor window Description

The following elements describe the Chart Editor window.

Select SeriesThe Select Series field contains a drop-down menu that lists all the tags in the chart. You can select any of the tags listed.
TypeChanging the Type changes the way the highlighted tag in the Select Series field displays in the chart. Type includes: Line, Area, Scatter, and Statistics. For more information, refer to Chart Type Options.
ColorA different color is used for each legend in chart. You can change the line color for each tag on your chart or the line color of the bell curve in a histogram by choosing a new color from the 18 pre-existing colors or accept the color that the system provides. You can also use the Color option to change the color of the bins in a histogram chart.
Auto ScaleAuto Scale allows you to enable or disable automatic scaling of your chart. When you disable Auto Scale, the system allows you to specify the minimum and maximum range of values for the chart to display. By default, the Y-axis scales to the low and high points found within the Historian data sample.

To set your own scale, slide the icon to the right (it should turn gray) and enter your own low (Min:) and high (Max:) points for the Y-axis.

Chart Type Options

Changing the Type changes the way the highlighted tag in the Select Series field displays in the chart. Type includes: Line, Area, Scatter, and Statistics.

Note: Options are not persistent if you change the type between Statistics and any other type.


Line is the default Type. When you select Line, a line chart appears similar to the following.

Figure: Line Chart

Area Chart

When you select Area as the Type, your chart appears similar to the following.

Figure: Area Chart

Scatter Chart

When you select Scatter as the Type, a chart similar to the following appears.

Figure: Scatter Chart

Statistics Chart

The Statistics chart displays as a box and whisker plot, and displays the maximum, minimum, average, standard deviation, and data sample counts within the interval determined in the Historian Sampling Mode for the chart. (You can view the statistics by hovering your cursor over the tag.)

When you select Statistics as the Type, a chart similar to the following appears.
Figure: Statistics Chart

Filter Editor window

The Filter Editor window allows you to add or modify a condition by which to filter data from a Historian server. The data displays in your charting session.

Figure: Filter Editor window

Filter Editor window Description

The following describes the Filter Editor window elements.

TagsContains a list of active tags that have been added to the analysis session.
OperatorsContains the available operations. These include: is equal to (=), is less than (<), is less than or equal to (<=), is greater than (>), is greater than or equal to (>=).
ValueLets you enter a value for the condition.
Enabled/Disabled Filter SwitchLets you enable or disable the filter. Select the Apply to All or Apply button to apply changes to the state of the filter switch.
Add ConditionAllows you to add a new condition.
Apply to AllApplies the filter changes to all relevant analysis objects.
ApplyApplies the filter to only the analysis object selected.

Mode Editor window

The Mode Editor window allows you to modify the way you request and display Historian tag values by first selecting a Historian Sampling Mode from a drop-down menu and then configuring the options that appear for that node. You can apply the mode to the currently selected chart or to all charts.

Figure: Mode Editor window

Mode Editor window Description

The following elements describe the Mode Editor interface.

Sampling Mode

Sampling modes include the following:

  • Interpolated (default)
  • Trend
  • Trend to Raw
  • Interpolated to Raw
  • Lab
  • Lab to Raw
  • Calculated
Note: The default mode for the first chart you create uses the Interpolate mode with a sample size of 1000. See your System Administrator to increase the sample size. Please refer to the Historian product documentation for an explanation of Sampling Modes.
Sample IncrementThe sample increment for all modes, except Calculated, is either: By Size or By Time. When you select By Time, an additional window appears.

When you select the Calculated sampling mode, an additional Calculation drop-down menu provides you with a list of the following associated selections:

  • Average
  • Medium
  • Maximum
  • Standard Deviation
  • Total
  • Count
  • Raw Average
  • Raw Standard Deviation
  • Raw Total

Please refer to the Historian product documentation for an explanation of Calculation Modes.

By TimeThis window appears only when you select the Sample Increment. By Time increments appear in a drop-down menu that contains:
  • Milliseconds
  • Second
  • Minute
  • Hour
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month

Apply to All

Applies the time selections to only the object selected.

Applies the time selections to all relevant objects.

Time Editor window

The Time Editor window allows you to configure the time range for which you want to view data within a chart by entering a start and stop time. For more information on setting time, refer to Configure Time.

  • The default Start time for the first chart you create is the previous hour (1-hour relative time default).
  • The clock is not active when you leave the Analysis section open and time elapses until you start creating charts. For example, if you open the Analysis section and walk away from your computer for an hour and then create a chart, your chart will be "Stale" as the time period for the fetch is defined by the Start and End time in the editor. This becomes apparent if you also create a Value Card or Current Value Table with the same tag. The values and timestamps will be off by an hour.
Figure: Time Editor window

Time Editor window Description

The following elements describe the Time Editor window.

Start (Date-Time)Lets you select the starting date and time for the data range.
End (Date-Time)Lets you select the ending date and time for the data range.
Time ZoneIndicates the time zone. Your System Administrator configures the time zone as either Local or UTC within the System Config section accessible by selecting the Admin drop-down menu and then selecting Administration.

Apply to All

Applies the time selections to only the object selected.

Applies the time selections to all relevant objects.

Favorite Information window

The Favorite Information window allows you to enter the name and description of the Favorite before you save it.

Figure: Favorite Information window

Favorite Information window Description

The elements for the Favorite Information window are described in the following table.

NameAllows you to enter a name for the new favorite. Specify a unique name. By default, your Session title is the name of your Favorite until you change it.
Note: Special characters are not allowed in this field.
DescriptionAllows you to enter a description for the new favorite.
Note: Special characters are not allowed in this field.


Saves the Favorite with the name and description you have entered.

Cancel this window.