Create a Display

Adding a New Trend Chart


  1. Search for a tag or tags from the Tags menu.
  2. To initially add a trend chart and provide data for the trend chart, you can do one of the following:
    • Select, drag, and drop a tag from the listing to the Chart icon.

      A blue dot appears before that tag to indicate that the tag is rendered in the new chart.

    • Select the Add an Empty Chart icon to open a display area, and then select, drag, and drop a tag from the tag list or search results list into the trend chart.
    • You need to select the name to drag a tag to a chart or any other object.
    • Charts are named sequentially (Chart 0, Chart 1, Chart 2) until you change the title.
  3. Continue by applying time, modes, or filter limits or modify this chart.

Adding a Value Card


  1. From the Toolbar, select the Add an Empty Value Card icon.
    An empty value card appears.
  2. Select and drag a task to the Value Card area.
    Important: Selecting on the X (in the top right corner) deletes the value card with no warning. You do NOT receive any warning or confirmation messages.

Adding Text


  1. From the Toolbar, select the Add Empty Text Box icon.
    An empty text box displays with a formatting toolbar.
  2. Enter text as it relates to the item. Use the icons in the toolbar to format text as appropriate.

Adding a Current Value Table


  1. From the Toolbar, select the Add Empty Current Value Table icon.
    An empty current value table appears.
  2. To add data to the table, drag and drop a tag in the table.
    The current value of the tag displays in the table.
  3. Continue to add tags as appropriate.

Removing an Item


  1. In the analysis area, select the item you want to delete.
  2. Select the Remove icon.
    Important: This action removes the item from the analysis session WITHOUT a warning or confirmation message box.

Creating or Modifying the Title

About this task

Note: The analysis title remains unchanged until manually overwritten.


  1. Create or open your main display.
  2. Select the title at the top of the display area.
    A text box opens.
  3. If a name exists, delete the name and enter the new name for the title.
    Note: Commas are not permitted in the analysis title.
  4. Select outside the window or press Enter to save the new title.