Delete Tag API

This API allows a user to remove an existing tag from the Historian server.

The Delete Tag API provides the ability to delete an existing tag from the Historian server.

Its URI format supports question marks (?).

SAMPLE DELETE URI:https://<historianservername>:8443/historian-rest-api/v1/tags/tagName?permanentDelete=true
SAMPLE CURL COMMAND:curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -X DELETE https:// <historianservername>:8443/historian-rest-api/v1/tags/tagName?permanentDelete=<true|false>

Query Parameters

tagNameName of the tag to be deleted.YesString
permanentDeleteDeletes the tag permanently from the Historian server if the value passed in is true. If the parameter is not provided, then permanentDelete is assumed to be false.Optional (false is default)Boolean, true or false

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeRequired?Description
ErrorCodeNumberYesFor example, ErrorCode=0, which means the operation was successful.
ErrorMessageStringYesFor example, NULL.

Sample Response

     "ErrorCode": 0,
     "ErrorMessage": null, 