Alarm Destination Options

The Alarm Destination Options window has three sections:
  • Historian Server Options
  • Logfile Options
  • Time Options

Historian Server Options

Historian ServerThe server name of the Historian server you wish to migrate the iFIX Alarms and Events collector data to.
Historian UsernameThe username required to authenticate with the Historian server.
Historian PasswordThe password required to authenticate with the Historian server.

Logfile Options

Logfile LocationModify the location of the iFIXAlmMigration.Log file.
Overwrite LogfileSet whether or not the log file gets overwritten with each migration. By default, there is one log file (iFIXAlmMigration.Log) that is appended each time you migrate alarms. Clearing this option causes the iFIX Alarm Migration Utility to overwrite the log file each time you migrate alarms.

Time Options

Treat as DST timestamp If enabled, the migration utility will treat all timestamps as if they are Daylight Savings Time.

Refer to Manage Daylight Savings Time for more information.