About the Historian OPC UA HDA Server

The Historian OPC UA HDA server retrieves historical process data from Proficy Historian, and sends it to OPC UA HDA clients. It dynamically updates the clients when tags are added and/or deleted in Historian. Clients that comply with this specification can connect to the OPC UA HDA server to retrieve data from Historian.

Features of the OPC UA HDA Server
  • The server complies with the OPC HDA Server specification 1.7.2.
  • The server can retrieve current data as well as historical data.
  • You can browse for all the tags available in Historian.
  • You can convert Historian timestamps, data types, and qualities to OPC HDA timestamps, data types, and qualities, respectively.
  • You can automatically reconnect to the Historian server when connection is lost.
  • You can connect multiple instances of the OPC UA HDA clients to the same server without any additional configuration. The OPC UA HDA server has been tested with the following OPC UA HDA clients; you can, however, use any client that supports the encryption types supported by the OPC UA HDA server:
  • The OPC UA HDA server supports only synchronous read raw interface.
  • The OPC UA HDA server currently does not support models, aggregation, and alarms and events data. It only supports tag data.