Creating the Edge Application Package

Package a multi-container edge application.


  1. Navigate to the folder on your machine that contains the docker-compose.yml file for your application.
  2. Execute the following command to (replacing <your-image1>, <your-image2>, and <your-image3> with the images used by your application):
    $ docker save -o images.tar <your-image1> <your-image2> <your-image3>
  3. Create a tar.gz file containing the docker-compose.yml and images.tar file for your application.
    $ tar -czvf app.tar.gz images.tar docker-compose.yml

    You now have a packaged application. If you are using a development VM, you can upload the application. If you are using a production VM, you need to take one more step to have your application signed. Only signed apps can run on production Predix Edge OS VMs. See Application Signing for more information and further instructions.