About User Manager

Only users who are administrators can see and manage user information. The administrator sets up and manages users, roles, and permissions. You can use the User Manager page to perform the following tasks:

  • View all registered users.
  • Create users.
  • Delete users.
  • Reset user passwords.
  • Assign and edit user roles to manage different levels of user permissions.

Edge Manager Roles

The user interface you see depends on your role. The following table shows the areas of Edge Manager different roles can access.

RoleDescriptionAccess to
TechnicianThis role is assigned by the Edge Manager administrator. For Edge devices, technicians can enroll devices in the cloud using Predix Edge Technician Console.

The Technician role is assigned to the individual responsible for performing the enrollment activity in the Web Console for each device.

  • Settings > Enrollment
OperatorThis role has the same access to Edge Manager functionality as the administrator, with the exception of user management.

The Operator role is assigned to the individual responsible for creating device instances in Edge Manager with the appropriate Device Name, Device ID, and Device Model according to how the devices should be identified.

All Edge Manager pages except User Manager.
AdministratorThe administrator has access to all Edge Manager functionality. All Edge Manager pages and functionality. No restrictions.
ViewerThe viewer role has read-only access to most Edge Manager pages but has limited ability to perform actions. Read-only access to all pages, except User Manager. A viewer can perform the following actions:
  • Create filters (but cannot save filters).
  • Apply filters.
  • Download software packages from the Repository.