Predix Edge Manager Setup

Review the requirements and dependencies before requesting Edge Manager.

Required Predix Services

Edge Manager requires the Predix User Account and Authentication (UAA) and Tenant Management Service (TMS) services.

Predix UAA service
Edge Manager uses the Predix UAA service to manage user authentication access. UAA is an OAuth provider that issues security tokens for client applications to use when acting on behalf of users. UAA provides endpoints for managing user accounts and registering OAuth2 clients to secure Edge Manager.

If you already have one, you can use your existing UAA service when you sign up for Edge Manager.

For more information about UAA, see .

Predix TMS service

Edge Manager contains a number of resources that are logically isolated and may require different access privileges for different users. The Predix TMS service provides the ability to provision multiple service instances for one tenant. This allows you to integrate and provision different Predix services (for example, Time Series, Event Hub, and Analytics) with your Edge Manager tenant.

If you already have one, you can use your existing TMS service when you sign up for Edge Manager.

Note: The TMS service instance you use must be bound to the same UAA service instance you are using for Edge Manager.

For more information about TMS, see c_tenant_management_service_overview.html#concept_db037212-60de-4459-978e-6390cefe364b.

Optional Predix Services

There are other Predix services you can integrate with Edge Manager to create a comprehensive Edge-to-Cloud solution.

Note: All services integrated with Edge Manager must use the same UAA service instance.
Time Series
Use the Time Series service to ingest, store, and retrieve time series data. See c_about_time_series_service.html#concept_810aef68-4099-4c22-b925-1ede0cb17c0a.
Event Hub
Use Event Hub to stream high volumes of data from Predix Edge to the cloud. See c_About_Event_Hub.html#concept_h4l_vcq_rv.