Prt Object Model Member List

The object attributes for the Basic Control Engine extensions for Production Tracking are:

  • Prt
  • PrtService
  • PrtGroup
  • PrtRegion
  • PrtItem
Can be considered the root object of Production Tracking. From the root you can obtain a list of:
  • PRT Services
  • PRT Groups
  • PRT Regions
  • PRT Items.
Obtaining a list of items would return every item currently in the PRT system. You can also locate an item, which will return all instances of the item within PRT.
Properties Methods Functions
GroupCount (Read) GetGroupList Group
ItemClassId (Read/Write) GetItemList Item
ItemCount (Read) GetRegionList Region
ProjectId (Read/Write) GetServiceList Service
RegionCount(Read) LocateItem
ServiceCount (Read)
Contains information about a particular PRT Service. The object can be obtained from either:
  • A list of PRT Services obtained from the Prt object
  • By initializing the object with the appropriate Service ID.
From a Service Object, you can obtain a list of all groups, regions and items contained within the service. You can also locate an item, which will return all instances of the item within PRT Service.
Properties Methods Functions
GroupCount (Read) GetGroupList Group
Id (Read/Write) GetItemList Item
ItemClassId (Read/Write) GetRegionList Region
ItemCount (Read) LocateItem
RegionCount (Read)
Contains information about the groups configured in your PRT System. Groups may be places on or off hold via this object. A group object may be obtained from and of the following:
  • A Prt
  • A PrtService List
  • By initializing the ID (GroupId) property of the object
From a group object, you can obtain a list of all region and items contained within the group. You can also locate an item, which will return all instances of the item within PRT Group.
Properties Methods Functions
ExtHold (Read) ClearExtHold Item
ExtHoldReason (Read) GetItemList Region
Id (Read/Write) GetRegionList
ItemClassId (Read/Write) LocateItem
ItemCount (Read) Modify
ProjectId (Read/Write) SetExtHold
RegionCount (Read)
Contains a configured PRT region. Region status, capacity, etc, may be found in this object. A region object may be obtained from a list created by nand of the following:
  • A Prt, PrtService
  • A PrtGroup object
  • By setting the ID to a known group ID.
From a region object, you can obtain a list of all items within the region. You can also locate an item, which will return all instances of the item within PRT Region.
Properties Methods Functions
Capacity (Read) AdvanceModel Item
Id (Read/Write) ClearStatusBit ItemType
ItemClassId (Read/Write) DeleteItem
ItemCount (Read) GetData
ItemTypeCount (Read) GetItemList
Loc (Read/Write) LocateItem
MaxLocation (Read) Modify
ProjectId (Read/Write) Reorder
Status (Read/Write) SetPoints
StatusPointId (Read) SetStatusBit
TotalItems (Read) StatusBit
TotalItemsPointId (Read/Write)
Contains a configured PRT Item. Item status and attributes may be accessed via this object.
Properties Methods Functions
AttrCount (Read) Add Attr
Comment (Read/Write) ClearModifyTime
Delete (Read/Write) ClearStatusBit
EntryTime (Read) Insert
ExtHold(Read/Write) Modify
ExtHoldGroupId (Read/Write) MoveTo
IntHold (Read/Write) ProdStart
IntHoldReason (Read/Write) ProdStop
ItemClassId (Read/Write) RemoveAttr
ItemId (Read/Write) SetAttr
ItemTypeId (Read/Write) SetStatusBit
ModifyTime (Read)
ParentId (Read/Write)
ProjectId (Read/Write)
RefId (Read/Write)
RegionId (Read/Write)
RegionLoc (Read/Write)
ServiceId (Read/Write)
Status (Read/Write)
UserId (Read/Write)
Contains an attribute for a PRT Item.
Properties Methods Functions
Id (Read/Write) None None
Value (Read)

