Step 5. Associate Actions with an Event


  1. Make sure you are displaying the Event Editor By Event.
  2. Select an event in the Event list.
  3. Click the mouse once in the Action list.
  4. Do the following.
    1. Right-click an event in the right pane.
    2. Do one of the following.
    • Select New Event Action on the popup menu.

    The New Event-Action dialog box opens.

  5. Configure options are as follows.
    Field Description
    Event ID Read-only Event with which the action will be associated.
    Opens the Action browser.
    Displays popup menu to create a new action, browse for or edit an existing action.
    Log Flag Checked Logs the event and action to the Database Logger Event Management log.
    Clear Disables logging.
    Tip: You can also use the Toggle Logging button on the Event Editor toolbar to enable or disable logging the selected event and action.