Basic.OperatingSystem$ (property)

Syntax Basic.OperatingSystem$
Description Returns a String containing the name of the operating system.
Comments The value returned by this function for the Win32 operating systems is Win32s.
The version of the operating system is determined by calling Basic.OperatingSystemVersion$.

                           'This script checks the Windows version for special networking
                           Sub Main()
                           If Basic.OS = ebWin16 Then
                           If Basic.OperatingSystem$ = "Windows" Then
                           MsgBox "Special networking capabilities aren???t present."
                           ElseIf Basic.OperatingSystem$ = "Windows for Workgroups" Then
                           MsgBox "Network capabilities are present."
                           End If
                           End Sub
See Also Basic.OperatingSystemVendor$ (property), Basic.OperatingSystemVersion$ (property), Basic.OS (property)